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Global Approaches to Cyber Policy, Legislation, and Regulation

Price: $35.00

*ISC2; Members/Associates can access this course for free by logging into your Member Portal for more information.


This skill builder provides a summary of the recent report on cyber policy and legislation issued by the Royal United Services Institute and ISC2. This report details how governments around the world are addressing the increasingly complex and uncertain threat landscape. This learning experience positions cybersecurity leaders to leverage the report to make effective decisions in their own jurisdictions and beyond.

Course Summary

An April 2023 report by the Royal United Services Institute and ISC2 explores the state of current cyber policy, legislation, and regulation in the United Kingdom, the United States, the European Union, Canada, Japan, and Singapore. By outlining the challenges facing each global region, and the measures being taken to address them, the report provides a large-scale picture of the cybersecurity landscape in which governments and private industry are operating now and in the future. For cybersecurity leaders, the report demonstrates the importance of approaching decision making informed by legislation and regulations beyond their own jurisdictions, as well as being more active participants in the process of policy making. By providing calls to action and resources for conducting research, this learning experience is a starting point for taking action and getting involved in various cybersecurity communities informed by a global approach. Key takeaways: 1) Cooperation between private and public sectors in creating cyber policies, legislations, and regulations is important to the harmonization of global cyber policy. 2) A fragmented cybersecurity regulatory landscape and the lack of international and cyber standards and guidelines pose significant security and safety risks. 3) Being informed of disparate approaches to cyber policies, legislations, and regulations equips cybersecurity leaders to secure systems and information no matter where in the world their expertise is required. 4) Cybersecurity leaders can approach a changing cyber landscape by researching and being informed of policy making decisions and becoming more active participants in the process.

CPE Reporting

CPE credits earned for this course may be eligible for continuing professional education credits for non-(ISC)² certifications. Please visit the continuing education requirements established by the credentialing organization for eligibility.

Members: Starting January 1st, 2022, CPE Credits for (ISC)² credentials will be reported by Member Services on the 1st of every month. Please allow 10 business days for processing. Courses completed prior to 1/1/2022 will need to be self-reported by members and associates through the (ISC)² CPE Portal accessible via using your member login credentials.

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Price: $35.00